Modding: Goldsource
Ahh the Goldsource Engine, janky but still nice to work on imo
Warning: A lot of these mods do not have their specific page set up yet
Half-Life: Field Report

No page for it yet except the one you're on! :)
Half-Life: Field Report is a mod that aims to recreate and expand on the Half-Life fan film "Uplink" made in 1999
Half-Life: Project '99

No page for it yet except the one you're on! :)
Half-Life: Project '99 is basically my attempt to scramble together all the Half-Life things from 1997 - 2001 and create a "sequel" to the original Half-Life based in the Pre-Pitch and Hyper Era's of Half-Life 2
Half-Life: Project '97/Quiver/Quiver '97
No page for it yet except the one you're on! :)
My personal attempt to recreate the early versions of Half-Life, the story is gonna be a mix of what we know and my own ideas, yeas I do know about the beta curse that plagues most mods centred on recreating old content but I personally think if I dont get too crazy with it I'll be able to do it.
Credit to Sadgrl's Layout Builder, I wouldnt be able to do this myself